5 Things You Should Do If You Are Experiencing Work Burnout:

  • 2021-10-08 13:44:44 By
  • Megan Swan

Recently I was interviewed by Thrive Global on recovering and preventing burnout, which is such a huge topic right now with most people in North America looking to go back in full or partially to the office this fall. There would definitely be a process of reintegration and readapting at the previous pace. Here are some things to consider for yourself personally. I also give 5 recommendations for employers to take into consideration for their staff in the interview.

Here is a summary of the 5 most important:

  1. (Re)Connecting, community, relationships. Feeling that we are integrated in a social support structure is key to beating burnout. It might seem like ‘wasting time’ to chit chat over a coffee and share our stories with each other at the office, but this is what makes us human...
  2. Clean, intuitive plant-based eating. Building our awareness on how what we eat and drink affects our energy and concentration is also key to beating burnout, we need to think in terms of nourishment. Fresh fruit and vegetables bring life and nutrients to our cells and a boost in energy. They also help our body detoxify itself naturally. It is important we think of “adding in” and not try to restrict ourselves...
  3. Consistent, quality sleep. Sleep is the number one thing that is helping you manage stress physically, emotionally and mentally. It is like recharging your cell phone, the more you cut corners on doing it well the more you are aging the battery. Individually we should be prioritizing our sleep cycle in order to best mitigate the stress of going back and readapting...
  4. Outlet for joy + creativity. We are losing our childlike curiosity for the simple things in life. This is affecting our creativity and ability to problem solve. Schedule joy on the calendar for 1 hour a week. This is where you do an activity that brings you joy...
  5. Mindful morning routine. Developing a solid morning routine that allows you to start your day with intention and clarity helps us avoid burnout. There are literally 100+ things you could include in your morning routine, but the trick is finding a couple of things that really help you thrive throughout the day...

Read the full interview and all tips in depth here.