
Corporate Services

For powerful businesses who want to prioritize the health and wellness of their team to increase their impact (and income).

At MSW we help modern companies optimize the wellness of their teams - as a way of life and work culture, and not another checkmark on their to-do list. By implementing small approachable shifts to your team’s culture, we strive to cultivate consistent motivation, sustainable energy and optimal performance. These shifts will have your team feeling fully supported in their physical and mental wellness, fostering a greater sense of commitment and belonging to the company. The intrinsic motivation created allows employees to feel empowered to exceed goals, with the ability to sustainably out-perform without the burnout.

Wellness As A Way of Life Program

Give your team an extra boost of energy and motivation while supporting their optimal wellness through the Wellness As A Way of Life Group Coaching Program. This program is the culmination of more than 12 years of my experience, knowledge and know-how in the wellness space. It will compress time for your team and help them distill down the most potent practices for themselves to create a personalized menu of practices and tips that they can integrate into their existing work and life.

Specialities include: Burnout Reduction, Self-Leadership, Corporate Wellness Culture, Inclusion of All Wellness Lifestyle Choices

In-Person Events + Retreats
Curated Events + Retreats

Nothing boosts company connection than in-person events. We are experts at creating highly impactful and motivational wellness-infused experiences your team will never forget. Are you looking to host a unique, curated and intimate experience for your team? We specialize in nourishment, mindful movement, conscious eating and drinking, plant-forward cooking classes, growth mindset workshops, yoga, mindfulness, meditation, and sleep optimization practices that will have your team feeling revived, aligned with their purpose, grounded in their bodies and at ease physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Wellness Advisor & Consultant
Corporate Wellness Audits & Consultancy

With the right guidance, knowledge, and accountability to back up your company’s team - driving success within your team isn't just possible, it's inevitable.

We provide custom wellness solutions, from wellness audits, strategic wellness seminars and workshop series we ensure your company is ahead of the game. A company that invests in the wellness of their team is on the cutting edge.

Starting with a comprehensive Wellness Audit we will determine which strategic wellness practices your company should focus on to meet and exceed all your goals without burnout.


A company that invests in the wellness of their team is on the cutting edge. Motivate your team from the inside-out to increase energy, stamina, creativity, productivity, and connection to your company.

Personal Wellness

At MSW we know that an investment in your self-care is a non-negotiable investment in your business. Megan personally supports Female Founders in the process of scaling their business who need to strategically optimize their energy, ability to consistently take action and stay focused. She compassionately guides female founders to scale their business sustainably and frame how strategic it is to invest in your wellbeing. She has helped 40+ powerhouse women establish wellness as a way of life.

Custom, Approachable & Fully Integrated Wellness for Female Founders.

For powerhouse women who understand that their optimal wellbeing is a non-negotiable investment in their business. There is no one-size-fits-all wellness, together we hone a personalized wellness strategy that feels good and creates sustainable energy, skin-deep confidence and grounded ease in navigating life and business.

There is no one-size-fits-all wellness. That is why a sustainable and customized approach is at the forefront of our methodology. 6 Pillars of Wellness to ensure you find the exact tools you need so that you are not just trying to keep up with the trends. We strive to make wellness a way of life, not a checkmark on your to do list. Get ready to optimize your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness so that you have sustainable energy, confidence from the inside out and crystal clear clarity in making decisions to build your business from a more grounded and empowered baseline.

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Integrated Wellness Business Coaching for Female Founders

For powerhouse women who want support, guidance and accountability you need to develop completely custom and integrated systems and frameworks that align with optimal wellness. This deeper integrative consulting-style support allows us to dive into the depths of your wellness, career and business, to develop custom, sustainable strategies to accelerate your growth, boost your confidence, so you can build your empire without the burnout.

All of the above + add in 6 Pillars of Integrated Wellness Business Structure + Systems to ensure are building your business in a way that aligns with your optimal wellness. So that you have sustainable energy to take action, fierce confidence and a growth mindset primed to make bold decisions in life + business from a grounded and empowered baseline.

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